18 January 2024
What UN language should you learn?
Originally shared via email. For early access to UN job search success tips and advice, subscribe to the newsletter here.
Here is a question from M.G.:
I am eager to learn a UN language* and I am thinking about Arabic because I want to move from Asia to MENA** and later to Geneva. Is French a more strategic choice because 1) it's 4 times easier to learn; and 2) it's commonly used in Geneva? (edited for brevity)
* The UN has 6 official languages; English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Russian.
** MENA refers to the Middle East and North Africa.
Let me start by saying that having working knowledge of any UN language apart from English, which is always required, will give you a slight edge to pretty much any internationally recruited role. However, it makes sense to make a conscious choice, and in general, I'd say:
For M.G., who has somewhat conflicting goals language-wise, I would suggest starting with French. If it's 4 times easier to learn, they'd reach working proficiency much quicker, and it would be an asset in any role. It's also in alignment with the ultimate goal of working in Geneva.
Arabic can be added at a later stage. For the more regional languages, even basic knowledge can be an asset, even if it wouldn't be enough to qualify for roles where working knowledge is a requirement.
Of course, if M.G. and I actually sat down for a coffee and a chat, I may find out that they already have significant MENA expertise and plan on spending quite a few years working in the region, in which case we may land on a different recommendation.
As always, there are unique circumstances and personal preferences that make these choices highly individual.
PS. A word about Spanish. It's the second most spoken language in the world, and there are plenty of well-educated and experienced native speakers who compete for the roles that require it, so expectations are high and competition is fierce. If working in Latin America is your one dream and Spanish is the only option for you, then by all means, go for it. But if you're even asking yourself "Which language...?" Spanish is not likely the answer 🤗
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