UN Job Search Success Blog – most recent post on top
My UN career story
I'm used to being the one posing questions, asking you to talk about your experience and motivation. However, after an email I sent a while back about the importance of sharing your "why" in UN job applications, the question was turned back to me...
How to use AI to understand UN vacancies
I can promise that you're not alone in feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with the UN application process. And it bothers me to bits that really great people feel like giving up because of opaque processes and things like...
Do you have what the UN is looking for?
What competencies and experience the UN is looking for is a common question, with the unsatisfying answer of "it depends" 🙄 Often, we think of the UN in terms of high-level political positions or aid workers in blue vests - essentially, the roles that make the news. However, the UN...
Should I get a(nother) Masters degree?
Spring is in the air! Spring is also a time of year when many people apply to study in the fall and a common question I get is "Should I get a degree in ...something?" The answer is...
Consider consultancies
You may have heard that being a consultant can be a good first step into the UN system, only to dismiss the idea as you think of being a "Consultant" as something for more senior people, brought in to do some really important work, most likely...
Motivation matters
When you meet the requirements of a job, very little may differentiate you from other qualified candidates, so every part of your application counts. How you articulate your motivation will either add credibility to your candidature, or...
Why do you care?
Today, I'm going straight to a question that is well worth pondering: Why do you want to work for the UN (or more broadly in the impact sector)? Take some time to ponder this, preferably in writing. Don't settle for...
UN SDG:Learn & other resources
Yesterday, I realized that I'd signed up for four (4!) learning events that are running at the same time - yikes! Being in this learning mode, I wanted to share three resources that I think all add value in their own way to your UN career aspirations...
Do titles matter?
Do hiring managers even look further into applications if they don't see titles that are similar to the roles they're hiring for? In short, titles can serve as quick indicators of your experience, particularly in structured environments like the UN, where titles...
Does it matter if you apply early or wait?
Quick scoop if you're short on time today: submitting your application last minute won't affect your chances. If you've got a moment, read on for a bit of background info and why you might want to consider...
What's it like to work with people from all over the world?
First and foremost, it's tremendously rewarding. You meet so many fabulous people from all corners of the world that all contribute with their own perspectives, stories, insights - and food. I can't remember exactly, but when...
What UN language should you learn?
Having working knowledge of any UN language apart from English, which is always required, will give you a slight edge to pretty much any internationally recruited role. However, it makes sense to make a conscious choice, and in general...
If we met for coffee...
If you and I sat down for a cup of something and a chat, what 2 or 3 questions would you ask me about UN job search success, or working for the UN in general? As I'm sending...
Word of the Year
A bit of reflection works wonders to help us see patterns, doesn't it? By the time I reached the last page that prompts you for a word of the year, it seemed self-evident...
Dream Big, Aim Low: How to Make Progress
Even when I try to keep things realistic, as in "1 January is no different from any other day", I can't help myself. Come mid-December, my mind will start some sort of reset process and conjure up potential goals for the new year. I've read a thing or two about it. Despite loads of evidence...
Encouraging takeaways from the Career Development Roundtable
The CDR is an annual gathering of HR professionals from the UN and other organizations in the impact sector. There were a lot of great presentations and conversations that took place, and I want to share two takeaways that I thought would be of particular interest...
Your competitive advantage
I’m surprised by how many applications aren’t competitive. Out of, let’s say 300 applications, I’d say 250 aren’t your competition. It’s the top tier that you need to contend with. And only a fraction of those engage with their applications the way you do, so your true competition is...
Pleeease tell me you’re customizing!
My guts tell me that you customize your job applications, every time you send one. (Am I right?) I could be very wrong, but the reason for my assumption is that if you’re conscientious enough to subscribe to a newsletter like this, you are also...
Is your CV effective?
Ever wonder how close you are to being called to the next stage in a selection process? Are you the next in line, or waaaaay down the list? How could you know, if all you ever get is a generic, one-line rejection email?
Did you get it done?
I know I'm not alone in procrastinating on certain things. It's a human thing, so chances are you have been procrastinating too, on a thing or two. Maybe it's procrastinating on updating your CV? Or on doing some online networking? Perhaps it's...
Aspiring UN staff?
Ambitious HR agenda?
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